

Mmmmm. Mayo, crushed peppercorns, spinach, pastrami, harvati cheese, cucumber, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and a touch of balsamic vinegar. Oh...and the hogie.


Sunglass display

It's a super cheap way to hold your shades. And it looks cool too.

From Maria and jolly roger


Is so excited for Megan to be her neighbour. I mean, she already is....but since she's been gone for the past month, it may as well be that she's not. Woohoo we are taking over Highland Manor with LFC peeps. It'd be cool if Sarah, Taylor, Jessica, Katelin could move. If we just get people in units D, E, and F we will be covered!! It will rock. Non-stop parties;)

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Highland Manor

Fresh Market

I found this really great produce at "Fresh Market" in Pasco yesterday. It's a really great store, and big. They have great produce and seafood, and their organic section is awesome too.

From Maria and jolly roger



I am soooo thankful for my husband. He went to the art and craft show with me today. It ended up being pretty lame, but oh well. There were far too many "whimsical birdhouses" and not enough paintings or jewelry. All the jewelry they did have was really high-end coral, tourquoise, and copper and what not. It was still fun being able to be with my dear one. So thank you!!!

Dinner 03.27.10

Whole grain spaghetti, mushrooms, spinach, lemon, basil, soy milk, extre virgin olive oil, peppercorns.

From Maria and jolly roger



Home guacamole

Home made guacamole. 2 smashed avacados, 1chopped tomato, 1/2 chopped onion, juice of 2 limes, chopped cilantro, 1/4 cup sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Combine and enjoy;)

From Maria and jolly roger


New couch

My new couch. It's so cozy. I love it. I found it at work believe it or not. However, don't worry Steve, if I ever move I'll chop the couch into little bits first. Haha. It took 5 people, a broken light, figurine, and a chunk out of the wall to get it up there. But we finally did.

From Maria and jolly roger



Favourite Shoes

These are my favourit pair of shoes. They are in fact, surprisingly comfortable. I just need to go to Hot Topic fir all my shoes.

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Hot Topic



Man, so I got all done with my books and shoes today around 1p. I was ready to help help hang clothes, when someone decided to donate 78 boxes of books!! Whew!!!

From Maria and jolly roger

Spring Mobile

Remember those ingredients?? Here's what I cooked up. It was alot of time, but fun.

From Maria and jolly roger



This actually won a contest. I was surprised.

Pen on paper. 8.5"x11"

From Maria and jolly roger




I love horses.

Pencil on paper. 8.5"x11"

From Maria and jolly roger


"The Proposal"

I think it's kind of cute.

Pencil on paper. 8.5"x11"

From Maria and jolly roger


"Barbara Streisand"

This is a sketch I did in high school.." I've not decided whether I think it actually looks like her, but whatever.

Pencil on paper. 8.5"x11"

From Maria and jolly roger

"Venician Sunset"

I did this in highschool. It was alot of fun-it's so bright. Acrylic on cardstock. 18"x12"

From Maria and jolly roger



Pickles. Particle board. Slivers. Bees. Too much coffee. Farmville, mafia wars, and cafe world on facebook. Haha. When people give garbage to goodwill. Satan. Tie dye. A lot of talk and no action. Christians with no conviction. Soap opera. Probably most movies in the theatre and songs on billboard right now. Grape soda. Spumoni ice cream. Gardening.

From Maria and jolly roger


I like to sing. I love art. Movies are cool, when I ever have time. I have the best husband ever. Church is like my second home. I love licorice...and red vines are not it. My family rocks. I love to cook. I love camping (I miss "the cove") fishing is fun. I have way too many shoes for my own good...but hey, Shane's got way too many books for his own good, so we balance each other out. I like sweet + salty snacks. "redeeming love" by Francine Rivers is my favourite book. I still like Looney Tunes and animated Disney movies. I love caviar. (especially that $40,000 per bottle because it's from 50 year old sturgeon from the caspian sea...oh wait I've never had it) Target, Fred Meyer, and Craft Warehouse are my favourite stores. I love Jimmy Stewart. Daphne DuMaurier is my favourite author. English and geography were my favourite school subjects. Art and drama were my favourite electives. I love to write (novels mostly. Sometimes about real life) Alfred Hitchcock is my favourite director. I like tea. I like to make jewelry. Gone With the Wind is my favourite movie. I love the beach. I like OMSI and the Iregon zoo. Portland is cool. Shane is my best bud. I like to read. I love horses. Dogs are cool too.

From Maria and jolly roger



Wnts to make this kind of a creative blog. It'll have stuff about my personal life too, but if you look to the right under "what I write about" you can see all the art work and crafts. I want to sell some in branch and wonder books. I guess well see. I'f anybody wants to buy anything from me, or has any requests, just let me know.

From Maria and jolly roger



Oh how I love thee. Man, ore was on bad numbers last night.

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Aaron and stella's



Okay, for those of you who actually read my blog, here's what's happened since the last blog. I've fell in love with my college sweetheart Shane. I moved to hermiston, Oregon in September 2008. Started working at goodwill here along with Shane and very involved in church at Living Faith Church. We got married November 7th, 2009. We had an awesome honeymoon in Victoria, BC. We are in the process of living happily ever after;)

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Portland and victoria


Brilliant idea

Today I had a brilliant idea. Here are the ingredients. Any guesses?

From Maria and jolly roger



Sweet and salty

I just made the best snack ever!!! Ingredients: wheat crackers, cream cheese, granny smith apple, red onion, pastrami, salt, and pepper. Pretty much just pile it all on the cracker starting with the cream cheese. Enjoy!!!

From Maria and jolly roger



I love ikea. Alot. I really hope they have this line of kids furniture when I have my first little one. It's so cartoon-like. Reminds me of the wardrobe on beauty and the beast.

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Ikea, portland

Just me

I really like this picture of me. Gale is awesome at taking pictures. Then I modified it on my sketching app on my iPhone. I look all solemn, hahaha.

From Maria and jolly roger



Birch trees and cardinals

So far this is my favourite picture I've done...not that I've done a tone, but we're getting a build up. I like trees. Alot. And birds. They're so "in" right now... But I like them, even when they're "out" haha.

From Maria and jolly roger


3 metal bracelet

I'm still trying to decide if I like this. I love the gold, silver, and bronze mix.

From Maria and jolly roger



This paticular picture was taken during stella's birthday. Soon I'll try to remember to take one when we're actually playing the game!!!

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:The hacketts

Mosaic soap despenser

I love the colours!!!

From Maria and jolly roger


Old books

Old books are my favourite. The look. The smell. The sound. Everything. I would much rather buy the old version of something than a new one. Especially classics. Besides old books look cool even without the dust jacket, new books just look goofy without it. Furthermore, hardbacks are way better than paperbacks.

From Maria and jolly roger

Astro dresser

I really want this dresser.... Perhaps it will get priced within my budget. If it were painted silver, it would look like something that George jetson might keep his clothes in. But, left in it's current state if varnished oak... It's not too wacky, just slightly retro.

From Maria and jolly roger



The shack

Great read for those of you that have not done so!!!

From Maria and iPhone

Dinner 03.16.10

All natural pasta and baked veggies

From Maria and iPhone

Recent likings

So recently I really like trees, leaves, owls, peacocks, swallows...(so, birds), poppies, all things Boho and hippie, reds, aqua, and gold.

I am working on a line of jewelry with these themes.

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Screens and earrings

What a great way to clear a mess and looks cool too!!!

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New blog

So I'm going to try my hand at blogging again. For about two years I've neglected it.... So I just decided to set up a new one. Welcome to art and soul of Maria;)

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Location:Break room