"The Raven"

The bird was actually going to be blue until I decided that it would be ingenious to make him black, since the book pages are from an Edgar Allen Poe book;-) This will be for sale at Branch & Wonders bookstore on Saturday!


Hey there. Thanks for stopping by. Here's that great pic again, taken by ASH Photography. I am Maria Tebeck. I am married to the most wonderful man, Shane. And we live in a small town in northeast Oregon, however we are both from the beautiful city of Portland. We came here to study under a great mentor/pastor. We both work for him at our church, Living Faith. I am the administrator, and my husband is the Youth Pastor and runs Underground Church. We love it alot. You can check out my facebook here. Also, you can check out my facebook page for the jewelry business I own called Bittersweet Bling by clicking the tab "Bittersweet Bling" on the navigation bar, or by clicking here.

Here I am with my best bud, Megan. This is last summer when we had to get all decked out for our church's VBS program.

I am not sure why I like this picture... probably the incredibly blue eyes, which I don't actually possess.

There is probably a ton about me that you can figure out from my posts/pictures. I love to make jewelry, do crafty things, paint, write, blog, shop, go on vacation, visit my family, give gifts, etc.
Here is a picture from my sister-in-law, Adrey and Brice's wedding. Here I am with my other sister-in-law, Allecia.

I have the greatest family on the planet.
Here is my family on our vacation to Mexico in September 2009. That was so awesome. I love the heat, and the water, and seafood, and infinity pools, and the fact that Troy was filmed behind us, etc...
I love this picture alot. It's right before we left on our anniversary to Joseph, Oregon. Such a great time!

What do Shane and I like together, you ask? Hummm... trying out new restaurants, serving at our church, watching House MD, The Office, King of Queens, and the Twilight Zone, talking walks, playing board games, hanging out with friends, etc...
Shane's family at Brice & Adrey's wedding. It was so beautiful. I like how all the men are pretty much the same height, and so are the women. Except me. Hahaha.

Here I am being crazy. I like funky photo edits sometimes. Green eyes, cross process, whatever.

I am so weird sometimes. I like a very wide variety of food, clothing styles, music, movies, artsy stuff, etc.

Here I am on Christmas 2010, with my new little nephew Nathaniel!


Taylor the winner!

And the winner of the earrings from the other day is TAYLOR...that's the beauty of being the only one who commented;-) Stay tuned for more jewelry to give away. I have an 80's earring set next.


Aaron's Cake

If you tilt your head to the right a bit, you can sort of see that it's a mac apple. I think this might've been the first time I did a cake that wasn't a circle or square...so it was a little hard, but ahhh...it tasted good;-) As you can see, when I took this pic I totally misspelled birthday (what a dork!!!!) So I had to scrape off the "y" and fix it. Hahah.

Jazzed up subway art bags!

Cool, cheap Christmas bags. Even if you're not all free-handy like I do it, grab some stencils, a pen, and a plain, boring paper bag to jazz up! -Mine probably would've looked better if I had stenciled it-


And the winner of the earrings is....Adrey!!! Woohoo. If it works for you, I'll just bring them next week during Christmas.

I think for a while I might do the jewelry give away more often, because I have TONS!!! (just ask Megan or Shane) And some of the things I have can only be taken apart and reworked so many times over before I am bored of them. Hahaha. So, keep your eyes peeled and on my blog to check it out;-)



I know this is increadbly plain...but I kind of like it. That way you can jazz it up with pics, etc. I'll try it for a bit..........


Gumdrop Wreath

I love Christmas! This is super easy to make. You just need one small Styrofoam ring (used to make wreaths) Two large packages of gumdrops, or spice drops, a box of toothpicks, and a few inches of wide satin ribbon. And next, go to town!



Twelve Days of Christmas Blog Challange. Day 8: My least favorite thing about Christmas.

1. People and their violent acts and just plain maddness during Black Friday. (camping out at Macy's for three days and eating McD's for Thanksgiving dinner...come on people, seriously)

2. Ghetto Christmas music. Such as traditional songs that have been re-done, but with no cool modern twist or anything...just plain, boring, maranantha, Mannheim steamroller, etc... ((it's all about the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, people...haha))

3. Getting Christmas cards that have nothing in them besides the text that was printed, and the sender's name. It's alright I guess, but if you're going to send a Christmas card, why not use your own words and write me something, ha!

4. Being way too concered with the amount of $$$ spent on a gift, rather than the thought.

5. Having to drive the gorge in all weather conditions to visit family.

6. Cleanup afterward.

7. "A Chipmunk Christmas" album, actually I pretty much dislike most Christmas songs where animals or kids are singing....lame. Hahaha. (Mostly because at my last job there were only two Christmas CDs to listen to)

...that's all I can think of for now...



What a great day, three hours or so left to my own....what shall I do. Movies, jewelry, here I come. I totally spaced my pioneer woman meal yesterday- since my in laws came and took me out for my birthday. It was a great day.

So was my party last week, I wound up with the complete twilight zone, a bunch of king of queens, candy, and gift cards...I have the best friend ever!

Anyway, I'll chat more later...gotta get some peppermint ice cream...hehe.

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First Anniversary

Our trip to NE Oregon. This was fun. I have not been here before. It was so much fun. We started by heading to Pendleton, which I really haven't been to much of besides when I had jury duty awhile back. So we stopped at an outrageously priced bead store called Blue Hawk beads, then we checked out a few bookstores. After that we pretty much drove straight through to the small town of Joseph (just north of Lake Wallowa) It was really cute. We had some lunch at a steakhouse called Outlaw Restaurant. We also checked out all the little gift shops-which were pretty cool-got an amazing candle! (woodwick candles) After that we went to check in at our lodge, Flying Arrow resort (just a few miles outside Joseph, on the opposite end of the lake) It was great there. It sits right on the creek. We totally want to come back in the summer when there is alot more to do: horseback riding, fishing, hiking, and the tramway! Then we hung out in our cabin and watched Border Wars (National Geographic show) It was pretty cool. Next morning we went to the United Methodist Church-blame Shane. It pretty much reminded me of my grandparent's Baptist church. We tried skipping through Joseph for lunch and eating in Enterprise...bad idea. The next three towns are completely deserted on a Sunday. Guess they all do the after-church potluck thing. So we had pizza at a very thrown-together looking place. Ha. Then we just took the slow way home, enjoying the scenery, and another awesome bead store in Walla Walla. I just can never bring myself to pay more than $15 or $20 at the most per strand. I guess it depends what it is, but seriously $219 per strand for quartz!!! Back to Hermiston. The end.


I am hoping to finally be completely over this sickness by the end of the day. I hate being sick, it puts me so behind on housework, work, and just life. Half the time I also forget what day it is when I'm sick. Haha. So today I am declaring to be well. Because there's so much cleaning to be done, crafts to be made, pictures to be taken, a letter to write, things to cook, books to read, life to live;-)

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First Date

This is from one of the journals at Rimsky's. Shane and I broke in the journal when they were first bought...everyone can write whatever in them. I drew the tea/coffee cup in the corner and above that you can see a heart written in blue ink that reads "Shane & Maria 05.19.07" This is there we came on our first date!



Had a good day. Great staff meeting at work today thanks to pastor Aaron. Watched the office. And then watched Uriah and Malachi in the nursery during church. It was a good day.

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Scrubbed the tub, made a few jewelry pieces, assembled shelf for closet and organized closet. Now I am sitting and enjoying some Mexican drinks with the hubby while watching the office.

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Work done, check. House cleaned, check. New jewelry made, check. "The Office" watched, check. Dinner eaten, check. Bed...almost check.


2nd acts

What a great group we've got going on. We're doing a human video now to a collaboration of Jason upton songs (great songs) for teen talent! Woohoo. We will also present it to the church...or rather, the kids will, I keep saying we (haha). I look forward to all the things god is/will do with the group.

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Apparently I suck at updates. It's been a long time. Since the last one. I now work as administrator at Living Faith Church here in Hermiston Oregon. My wonderful hubby as youth pastor here. Soon we will have all of LFC moved into our apartments at highland manor. hahaha.

Life is good. My family has been able to visit twice now. Woo hoo (as my sis is soon to be joining the air force) I am part of Roger & Tina Brown's drama team (2nd Acts) which is alot of fun.


Tea Party

The other day, my bestie, Megan came home from Maryland. She was gone gar too long...so we had a tea party to celebrate her return. Shane and I aren't big coffee drinkers- we opt for tea;) mmmmm. Licorice, peppermint, chamomile, sassafras, fennel, hibiscus, currant... Smells like heaven.


Saturday breakfast-Fritatta

Mmmmm. Cheese, eggs, spinach, ham, and mushroom...oh and the Feta cheese!!!!!



Fingerprint wedding bands

These are sooo cool. I LOVE them. The girl's wedding band has her future husband's fingerprint and vice versa!



Mmmmm. Mayo, crushed peppercorns, spinach, pastrami, harvati cheese, cucumber, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and a touch of balsamic vinegar. Oh...and the hogie.


Sunglass display

It's a super cheap way to hold your shades. And it looks cool too.

From Maria and jolly roger


Is so excited for Megan to be her neighbour. I mean, she already is....but since she's been gone for the past month, it may as well be that she's not. Woohoo we are taking over Highland Manor with LFC peeps. It'd be cool if Sarah, Taylor, Jessica, Katelin could move. If we just get people in units D, E, and F we will be covered!! It will rock. Non-stop parties;)

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Highland Manor

Fresh Market

I found this really great produce at "Fresh Market" in Pasco yesterday. It's a really great store, and big. They have great produce and seafood, and their organic section is awesome too.

From Maria and jolly roger



I am soooo thankful for my husband. He went to the art and craft show with me today. It ended up being pretty lame, but oh well. There were far too many "whimsical birdhouses" and not enough paintings or jewelry. All the jewelry they did have was really high-end coral, tourquoise, and copper and what not. It was still fun being able to be with my dear one. So thank you!!!

Dinner 03.27.10

Whole grain spaghetti, mushrooms, spinach, lemon, basil, soy milk, extre virgin olive oil, peppercorns.

From Maria and jolly roger



Home guacamole

Home made guacamole. 2 smashed avacados, 1chopped tomato, 1/2 chopped onion, juice of 2 limes, chopped cilantro, 1/4 cup sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Combine and enjoy;)

From Maria and jolly roger


New couch

My new couch. It's so cozy. I love it. I found it at work believe it or not. However, don't worry Steve, if I ever move I'll chop the couch into little bits first. Haha. It took 5 people, a broken light, figurine, and a chunk out of the wall to get it up there. But we finally did.

From Maria and jolly roger



Favourite Shoes

These are my favourit pair of shoes. They are in fact, surprisingly comfortable. I just need to go to Hot Topic fir all my shoes.

From Maria and jolly roger

Location:Hot Topic