
Metal Fetish

Calling all ladies!!!! Check out the new selections from Bittersweet Bling!!!

Autumn Projects

 Drying some leaves.

 My doodles while the girls were putting together their masterpieces.



This is what happens what I've got nothing to do. I cut my hair. LOL.

Yes, I'm Obsessed

I never intended to have so much. This is just what happens when you get one color at a time...

 See what I mean??
 Oranges and yellows.
 Green with envy!
 Black, White, and in between.
Top ten favorites!


Blog Facelift.

Nah, there's not much different. I just changed the picture and colors. But in case this is your first visit, I am all about food, fun, photography, fashion, and crafts. And most things in between. I'm always trying new recipes, crafts, photo challenges etc.

I LOVE comments and also appreciate any constructive criticism. If you'd like to see more of my handmade jewelry please visit this (which is www.facebook.com/bittersweetbling

Recently, I've been exploring with instagram and my username is mariatebeck if you care to look me up and follow (I don't have many pics yet)I just got a tripod for my camera (aka phone) for pretty inexpensive, so we will see how that goes.

Yay!Someday I'll have a legit camera. Preferable a nikon or canon (in case anyone wants my Christmas list early) LOL.


Self Portraits

So I was feeling rather inspired by my friend, Alexis' blog here. As well as the blog that she had posted on here blog, which you can find here.

 Ha! I never wear lipstick.
 I really like messing with the eyes. Can you tell? Hahah.
 Love conquors all.
 Interesting perspective.
 Too bad I wasn't making suck a retarted face. LOL.

Selections from Disneyland trip

Universal Studios. I totally didn't realize until afterward that they guy directly behind them, was totally not part of the statue. The other people are statues, except him. And he was so good at it.

 Strolling down the lane with Mary and Bert.

 View from the Zoo's skyfari.
 View from Dumbo ride;-)


 Allecia! Already is a star;-)

 My favorite ride at Knotts.
 Sleeping Beauty's castle.
 This is my second favorite ride at Knotts. It's the worlds tallest free fall ride. LOVE it.
 Worst haunted house...or maybe that means best.
Disney's World of Color.