
Glitter Those Suckers Up

Shoes need a makeover? Well some mod podge, spray adhesive, and some glitter can save the day!!!

It's quite self explanitory really, just take some mod podge on a sponge and cover your shoes. Pile on the glitter. Shake off any excess. Fill in any gaps with more glue and glitter.

Press glue down with your hands. And finish off with a spray adhesive. Hair spray works too.

And there you have it. Practically new shoes. I used suede shoes, because that's what I had. But I think any shoes will do.


  1. Love it! I also saw another tutorial on how to do this.I am so apprehensive of putting glue on my shoes but your pictures are giving me more confidence. They look great!

  2. Thanks! It was super easy. And yeah, they turned out great!
