"If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian."Ghandi
Ahhhhh. That makes me sick. Sick of hypocritical Christians. Christians who think they're better than all else. I knew a Christian who once said that in order for me to tell someone about Jesus, they need to come up to my level. Huh? How does that work...beats me.
I'm also tired of people having to wait until their summer mission trip, or when they are out of the country to wittiness to people. What about this, most unchurched state of Oregon? How about our funky town (aka Portland, which by the way is what the picture is a reflection of). I mean, sometimes it's like we are in this little society of Christians and we never leave it. We wait until we go somewhere before developing any kind of circle of non-Christian friends. We forbid ourselves of going into any unclean place, for fear of God knows what. And then, wonder why Ghandi wasn't a Christian, and why our churches don't get many new, unbelievers...only church shopping Christians.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing anyone...this goes for me to. But where is the balance. Obviously don't forsake seeking fellowship together with the bretheren. We must have our sphere of Christian friends who encourage us. And learn to shake the dust off our feet when being in certain places/situations. However, having to shake the dust off one's feet,doesn't mean don't go there. I also understand that certain people have a gift for ministering to certain people groups. But, we are all called to people. And whatever happened to they'll know we're Christians by our love? I mean, that's foremost what you have to do with "unlovely" people...if you catch my drift. We must obviously used discretion and discernment...however, it isn't the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.